My names Kelly and I'm from America. I live in Russia as an expat, and, well, lots of interesting things happen to me. This blog is supposed to be about Pop culture, but really, its me trying to understand what's going on in this world where things our constantly changing and crazy ideas are being let loose. In my mind, the world is Wonderland, and I'm Alice.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I am sorry to say that my posts for the next couple of days will be a bit sad. My dog passed away this morning, only about an hour after I left for school. He was a golden retriever and they think he died of a heart attack. He was the best dog ever. I still remember the day my parents brought him home. My two sisters and I were in the kitchen, when a little puppy with a green and red ribbon tied around his neck ran in from the garage. I automatically pounced on it, being a three year old that was obsessed with fluffy things. My oldest sister Laura was yelling out the typical "Can we keep him?!!?" And my middle sister was in a corner yelling "we're really going to keep that thing in our house? Is he really ours?" With a disgusted look on her face. I kept picking him up, but then he would wriggle out of my arms and run around. My oldest sister kept trying to get him to drink milk and water, while failingly trying to get him to sit, stay and lie down. My middle sister, still in the corner with that same look in her face, kept forgetting his name and yelling "What's his name again?" Every day after school, I would lock the two of us in the laundry room, and teach him tricks. It is because of me that he knows how to sit, stay, lie down, roll over, and the always annoying, paw. He was always happy to see you, and never got aggressive towards anyone. I still remember him running away when a little Yorkie in a park barked at him. But he also protected us. Someone so much as touched our front lawn and he would start barking. But little did that person know that if they opened our front door, the most he could would be distract them by licking them. He was the best dog ever. Last night, before I went to bed I told him that I wanted to see his bright eyes the next morning. He kept his promise. I will always love you Henry. No other dog will replace you. Even as our thoughts drift from you, you will always be in our hearts.

RIP Henry "Handsome" Hillgren. (Also known as Henny, Handsome boy, and Puppy.) October 8 2000-February 2 2011.

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