My names Kelly and I'm from America. I live in Russia as an expat, and, well, lots of interesting things happen to me. This blog is supposed to be about Pop culture, but really, its me trying to understand what's going on in this world where things our constantly changing and crazy ideas are being let loose. In my mind, the world is Wonderland, and I'm Alice.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 2

Ok, so I decided that my theme is Pop Culture. Basically everything that everyone is obsessing over right now. This includes fashion, music etc. But, I will still ad my crazy ideas and comments.

Day 2- A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

The person I have been l closest with the longest is my best friend Cher. Even though I moved away a year ago, we're still really close and we have so much fun together. We've been best friends ever since her first day of third grade. My other friend and I couldn't get a water bottle open, so she asked if she could help. We've been best friends ever since. I love the fact that we don't have to hide how we feel around each other. If we feel lazy, we'll sit around the house all day. If we need sugar, we'll raid her fridge and make something totally disgusting yet delicious. No matter what, we always have fun together.

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